Babies vs. Dogs, Part 1

Being the mommy of two fur babies, and a fabulously future (3-5 years in the future) MILF, I am always throwing around in the back of my head the similarities and differences between children and are my latest on the list of differences:

Babies do not chew on your shoes! Dear heavens, I hope they do not at least.....think of the germs. My darling stilettos and strappy sandals will be much safer with a bambino than they are with my bully bulldog.

No panties in mouth.......I hope to God my darling children will not dig through the hamper and strut around the house with my bestest thongs in their joules. Nor try to digest these unmentionables and poop them out in a neighbors yard. Yep happened to me! Thong strings in the neighbors yard. Dern Bulldog! Kids do not do this right!?!?

Licking the lotion off your bod: this would be a habit of my littlest one- the chihuahua! If my future babe tries to lick the lotion of my legs, I will be mortified. But with the little rat dog, it is like "Yea! Mama just put crack on her legs! Must get crack fix!"

CRAZINESS! Please do not tell me children do these things....I may be scarred for life!

6 Rants:

  1. BB said... dog does all three of those as well. wth?

    fyi, the diva did chew on my shoes a few times when she first started crawling. i turned my back for just a second....eewwwwww....

    now the diva brings me my undies that she wrestled from the dog...LOL!!!


    November 1, 2007 at 8:28 AM  

  2. AM said...

    haha! depends on the dog does the panties thing as well....ick

    November 1, 2007 at 8:54 AM  

  3. Webmaster said...

    No, children are worse. You'll get so used to cleaning up poop, vomit and etc., that it won't even faze you after a while.
    Do your fur babies wake you up at all hours of the night needing to be fed/changed?
    Do they swallow change, or try to get into your prescription medicine?

    (I'll stop...Don't mean to be such a cynic. Sorry)

    November 1, 2007 at 2:42 PM  

  4. Truvie said...

    The only person who chews on my panties is my husband, thank God! Kids stop pooping everywhere after about 2 years, dogs never do. That's the main reason I don't have one. And the shoes thing... have one or two pairs that would merit death to ANYONE (human or animal) who dared destroy them! I can't do dogs... I think if you can, a baby will be a snap!

    November 1, 2007 at 4:49 PM  

  5. From the Doghouse said...

    Kids barf on shoes, not chew on them.

    Kids don't chew your undies, they wait until company comes over, then put them on their head and walk out in front of everyone.

    Lick the lotion? No. Rub all over you to get some on themselves? Yes.

    November 1, 2007 at 6:06 PM  

  6. Priscilla said...

    I love all of you parental people!...
    you make me smile.....!

    November 1, 2007 at 8:03 PM  

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