Lost my Dern Mind!

I am far more aware of the world, and have gained much knowledge in that sense- but sometimes I feel like I have lost nearly all of my brain cells! When asked a question I know I should know-but can’t recall- I am like “Geez! What is wrong with me?” Not to brag on Rorie: but I graduated high school a year early with honors….and now I occasionally find a community college class kicking my butt. Sad, really it is rather depressing to not have my neurons firing as fast as they used to……why have I slowed so severely?..........

Anyway, being a bit inquisitive like I am, I googled “what kills brain cells?” …..Take it for what it is, and please don’t believe everything you read- especially on the internet! But these findings and tidbits are semi-interesting:

“A single episode of severe stress can be enough to kill off new nerve cells in the brain.”

“Stress could affect the creation of new brain cells.”

“Scientists said they have found the first direct biological evidence that smoking destroys brain cells and stops others being produced.”

“Drinking alcohol doesn’t destroy or kill brain cells and it appears brains can repair themselves after chronic alcohol abuse.”

“Most people believe that drinking alcohol kills brain cells (even med students are taught this). Pure alcohol does indeed kill cells, but there's no evidence that drinking alcohol does.”

‘What kills more brain cells, marijuana or alcohol? It's not marijuana. According to the NORML Foundation, marijuana does not kill brain cells.”

“A common black mold that blooms on moist cellulose-based materials produces a toxin that can kill certain brain cells.”

(This one made me laugh out loud!)
“MTV kills brain cells.”

4 Rants:

  1. BB said...

    ah, stress....that explains it! :P

    had fun witcha sat. nite! you so crazy!

    December 10, 2007 at 8:45 AM  

  2. From the Doghouse said...

    Why am I flashing back to the zombie movies of my youth?

    "Must ... eat ... brains ... "

    December 10, 2007 at 8:48 AM  

  3. AM said...

    I find it very hard to believe that any person labeled such as a "stoner" doesn't have many dead brain cells...I mean, have you met a TRUE stoner. Maybe not the book sense side but definately common sense.

    December 10, 2007 at 11:19 AM  

  4. Truvie said...

    Sorry... I already forgot what you just said!

    December 10, 2007 at 5:18 PM  

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