Behind the Hazel Eyes......
An eye can threaten like a loaded and levelled gun, or it can insult like hissing or kicking; or, in its altered mood, by beams of kindness, it can make the heart dance for joy.... One of the most wonderful things in nature is a glance of the eye; it transcends speech; it is the bodily symbol of identity.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Observations of a Peppy Little Camper:
It doesn't matter where you set up camp, the bathrooms are going to be a mile away. And somehow they are 2 miles in the dark....
Being short does have its advantages when getting dressed in a tent. I feel sad for everyone over 5 feet tall, that must be an uncomfortable little task!
No worries: nobody can smell how badly you stink over their own brewing stench. Just apply your deodorant in front of your camping mates to prove your hygienic effort!
Also, the must will remain no matter how much Febreeze you spray on your sleeping bag.
Paddle boats will make you feel like a failure-- all that leg action and getting hardly nowhere! That is just too much effort to be considered recreational. My suggestion: stop trying and layout on the boat; that's the best sun you will get all trip!
Being short does have its advantages when getting dressed in a tent. I feel sad for everyone over 5 feet tall, that must be an uncomfortable little task!
No worries: nobody can smell how badly you stink over their own brewing stench. Just apply your deodorant in front of your camping mates to prove your hygienic effort!
Also, the must will remain no matter how much Febreeze you spray on your sleeping bag.
Paddle boats will make you feel like a failure-- all that leg action and getting hardly nowhere! That is just too much effort to be considered recreational. My suggestion: stop trying and layout on the boat; that's the best sun you will get all trip!
Holding the Sun
Funny Face
I read somewhere that a girl without freckles is like a night without stars.
When I was younger, I was constantly reminded that freckles are "angel kisses." Even then I knew that is just what adults told you to make you feel better about being different, with all those dern spots all over your face. But, you'd better believe I made all of my friends that were without freckles that the angels visited me more!
Between soaking up the actual sun and obtaining the artificial rays of the tanning bed my spots multiply daily. This is not something I am going to out grow any time soon, so I am going with it......

You know back in the day when Cindy Crawford made the mole a must have? And women used to actually create a sassy little mole above their lip. That is my goal: Freckles are the new mole! So grab your brown eyeliner and go to town Pippi Longstocking style to match me!
When I was younger, I was constantly reminded that freckles are "angel kisses." Even then I knew that is just what adults told you to make you feel better about being different, with all those dern spots all over your face. But, you'd better believe I made all of my friends that were without freckles that the angels visited me more!
Between soaking up the actual sun and obtaining the artificial rays of the tanning bed my spots multiply daily. This is not something I am going to out grow any time soon, so I am going with it......

You know back in the day when Cindy Crawford made the mole a must have? And women used to actually create a sassy little mole above their lip. That is my goal: Freckles are the new mole! So grab your brown eyeliner and go to town Pippi Longstocking style to match me!
"Flick my Bic"
What are friends good for in times of need?
Making your life a little easier.....!
When my dearest darling daily lunch date is in need of nicotine and can not find a lighter, I feel distress from her distress....with the goal of making life a little easier, I bought ten Bic lighters and have them placed in random compartments throughout my vehicle. One is always within reach and all is well in the world.
My co-workers are always looking out for me as the baby of the group and I am truly blessed to have such great people around me daily. They laugh at me as I sashay in every morning with my twelve gallon bag, fumbling around, digging for my keys and pulling out the outlandish objects I carry with me. So one caring co-worker took it upon herself to make my mornings much smoother. An extra key was ordered and placed in a secret location that I pass on the way to my door. I simply grab the key and unlock. The easiest part of my day! The kicker is putting the key back in the same secret place for the next morning!
My dear friend has an early meeting and is dragging in to work, I have a cup of coffee waiting on her desk. I have a late meeting and a looooooong day, she has my glass of wine on the counter when I get to her house. Its just all about knowing each others needs and going that little extra way to help each other out.
A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. ~Arnold Glasow
Making your life a little easier.....!
When my dearest darling daily lunch date is in need of nicotine and can not find a lighter, I feel distress from her distress....with the goal of making life a little easier, I bought ten Bic lighters and have them placed in random compartments throughout my vehicle. One is always within reach and all is well in the world.
My co-workers are always looking out for me as the baby of the group and I am truly blessed to have such great people around me daily. They laugh at me as I sashay in every morning with my twelve gallon bag, fumbling around, digging for my keys and pulling out the outlandish objects I carry with me. So one caring co-worker took it upon herself to make my mornings much smoother. An extra key was ordered and placed in a secret location that I pass on the way to my door. I simply grab the key and unlock. The easiest part of my day! The kicker is putting the key back in the same secret place for the next morning!
My dear friend has an early meeting and is dragging in to work, I have a cup of coffee waiting on her desk. I have a late meeting and a looooooong day, she has my glass of wine on the counter when I get to her house. Its just all about knowing each others needs and going that little extra way to help each other out.
A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. ~Arnold Glasow
Parking Lot Makeover!
Because I got my wrist slapped by law enforcement this weekend, first thing this morning I headed to the DMV.
I had been putting this task off since my birthday/license expiration date because, well, I have not had a good hair day. Now, before you chalk me up as nothing but vain and superficial, hear me out. First off, you have this thing for FOUR YEARS! That is a long term commitment! Secondly, I will NEVER look my age. I will get carded until the day I die! Everyone sees this picture, therefore making it ultra important that I do not look like a total spaz! So, sue me. I was waiting for this good hair day to appear. The police officer did not find this a valid excuse however.
Today? Nope, still not a good hair day. But ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. So I sucked it up and did a little parking lot makeover just prior to walking inside.
REJOICE!!!!! Not perfection, but I am actually pleased with the picture! I will happily show it to every bartender that questions my age and if I get pulled over again (knock on wood ::knock, knock::) I am cute and VALID!
I had been putting this task off since my birthday/license expiration date because, well, I have not had a good hair day. Now, before you chalk me up as nothing but vain and superficial, hear me out. First off, you have this thing for FOUR YEARS! That is a long term commitment! Secondly, I will NEVER look my age. I will get carded until the day I die! Everyone sees this picture, therefore making it ultra important that I do not look like a total spaz! So, sue me. I was waiting for this good hair day to appear. The police officer did not find this a valid excuse however.
Today? Nope, still not a good hair day. But ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. So I sucked it up and did a little parking lot makeover just prior to walking inside.
REJOICE!!!!! Not perfection, but I am actually pleased with the picture! I will happily show it to every bartender that questions my age and if I get pulled over again (knock on wood ::knock, knock::) I am cute and VALID!
Knocked down a notch or two.......
Sometimes you have those occasions where you stop and realize how pathetic your little problems really are in the grand scheme of things, and you get knocked down a notch or two........
I have the very distinct privilege of working with one of the most well rounded and knowledgeable people I have ever met. Not a day has gone by that she has not made me laugh with her indescribable wit. But, not a day goes by that I am not taken back by her true strength.
Her daughter was slaughtered in 2002 by Derrik Todd Lee, the infamous "Baton Rouge Serial Killer." Per the pictures I've seen, she was absolutely beautiful and full of life. She graduated from high school early, flew through college, and was the youngest graduate from her Master's degree program at LSU, which she earned just prior to her murder.
After learning the true details of her story, I could not watch CSI, Law and Order, or any similar show for months. This was exactly the thing I had become desensitized to from TV, but this was an honest to God true life tragedy. She had been stabbed more than 80 times, beaten with a clothes iron, and had her throat cut. But, apparently she had some of the very same strength I see in her mother every day, because the scene showed that she did not go down without violently fighting back. I just stood there frozen listening to more details, speechless. I cannot comprehend knowing that all of these cruel acts had happened to your own child, your baby.
Strength. This does not mean she does not break down from time to time. I embraced her while she sobbed the Friday before Mother's Day. But her strength to me, is getting up every morning, still putting forth effort and living each day, and managing to work in a few laughs and make others laugh.
She has been asked to do several media events lately, one this morning as a matter of fact. I know she fights to keep her daughter's memory alive, fights for justice, and genuinely wants to help anyone else that could benefit from the story. But can you image telling, reliving it all so publicly and repeatedly? Really brings you down a notch or two when your biggest concerns were wondering what grade you are going to get in Anatomy, why you haven't gotten an instant reply to your last text message, or you wishing you had worn different shoes.
She humbles me.
After her daughter died, she said she used to have a recurrent dream about a deer being hunted. She thought a lot about the fear and randomness in life and wrote the following:
"This dark dream chases my heart until it pounds and races like the hearts of deer running from the death the hunters bring. The woods conceal the deer - but also conceal the hunter. God and fortune dance in the dry leaves and glance over their shoulders to see whom the trees will save."
I have the very distinct privilege of working with one of the most well rounded and knowledgeable people I have ever met. Not a day has gone by that she has not made me laugh with her indescribable wit. But, not a day goes by that I am not taken back by her true strength.
Her daughter was slaughtered in 2002 by Derrik Todd Lee, the infamous "Baton Rouge Serial Killer." Per the pictures I've seen, she was absolutely beautiful and full of life. She graduated from high school early, flew through college, and was the youngest graduate from her Master's degree program at LSU, which she earned just prior to her murder.
After learning the true details of her story, I could not watch CSI, Law and Order, or any similar show for months. This was exactly the thing I had become desensitized to from TV, but this was an honest to God true life tragedy. She had been stabbed more than 80 times, beaten with a clothes iron, and had her throat cut. But, apparently she had some of the very same strength I see in her mother every day, because the scene showed that she did not go down without violently fighting back. I just stood there frozen listening to more details, speechless. I cannot comprehend knowing that all of these cruel acts had happened to your own child, your baby.
Strength. This does not mean she does not break down from time to time. I embraced her while she sobbed the Friday before Mother's Day. But her strength to me, is getting up every morning, still putting forth effort and living each day, and managing to work in a few laughs and make others laugh.
She has been asked to do several media events lately, one this morning as a matter of fact. I know she fights to keep her daughter's memory alive, fights for justice, and genuinely wants to help anyone else that could benefit from the story. But can you image telling, reliving it all so publicly and repeatedly? Really brings you down a notch or two when your biggest concerns were wondering what grade you are going to get in Anatomy, why you haven't gotten an instant reply to your last text message, or you wishing you had worn different shoes.
She humbles me.
After her daughter died, she said she used to have a recurrent dream about a deer being hunted. She thought a lot about the fear and randomness in life and wrote the following:
"This dark dream chases my heart until it pounds and races like the hearts of deer running from the death the hunters bring. The woods conceal the deer - but also conceal the hunter. God and fortune dance in the dry leaves and glance over their shoulders to see whom the trees will save."
I want to know.......
Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm.
I know, and it's been comin' for some time.
When it's over, so they say, it'll rain a sunny day.
I know, shinin' down like water.
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
comin' down on a sunny day?
Yesterday, and days before, sun is cold and rain is hard.
I know, been that way for all my time.
'Til forever on it goes through the circle fast and slow,
I know, and it can't stop, I wonder.
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
comin' down on a sunny day?
Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm.
I know, and it's been comin' for some time.
When it's over, so they say, it'll rain a sunny day.
I know, shinin' down like water.
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
comin' down on a sunny day?
Yesterday, and days before, sun is cold and rain is hard.
I know, been that way for all my time.
'Til forever on it goes through the circle fast and slow,
I know, and it can't stop, I wonder.
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain
comin' down on a sunny day?
This is why I keep Victoria's Secret in business....
Meet Spike. Gotta love this bad little bully. I don't know how he gets them and I will never know all of the holes where he strategically hides them....
I am no longer mortified when friends pull my intimates out of the couch cushions. Honestly, what else can you do but laugh? least I caught him in the act this time. That is one less pair I will be handed the next time we are entertaining......
Anybody got a xanax?
And another question, who died and crowned me everbody's everything?
If one more person says my name or asks me for anything I may honest to God implode.
My favorite line from the movie, "Something to Talk About" is when Julia Robert's character is in dire distress......"I don't have the time for the nervous break down I deserve!"
I knew my Monday was too easy.......
If one more person says my name or asks me for anything I may honest to God implode.
My favorite line from the movie, "Something to Talk About" is when Julia Robert's character is in dire distress......"I don't have the time for the nervous break down I deserve!"
I knew my Monday was too easy.......
Mother Nature is my homegirl!
Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers - for no reason. It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are. ~Osho
Word to the trees!
I drove a lot yesterday and decided it is like anti-religious to be the least bit unhappy on such a gorgeous day! How can anyone stay in a funk when they are in the spotlight of the sun?
Throughout the road trip my fun friend and I stopped like four thousand times, one of the times being at the McComb Wal-mart.... and let me tell ya, that's a happening place!! I could write for a week about our experience at that fine establishment, but I will spare you all. Anyway, among the treasures we left with was my beautiful new light-pink hat, simply stating: "Mother nature in my homegirl." Love it! It spoke the truth and I had to have it. The hat rocks, I rock, Mother!
Peace out on this peaceful day.
Word to the trees!
I drove a lot yesterday and decided it is like anti-religious to be the least bit unhappy on such a gorgeous day! How can anyone stay in a funk when they are in the spotlight of the sun?
Throughout the road trip my fun friend and I stopped like four thousand times, one of the times being at the McComb Wal-mart.... and let me tell ya, that's a happening place!! I could write for a week about our experience at that fine establishment, but I will spare you all. Anyway, among the treasures we left with was my beautiful new light-pink hat, simply stating: "Mother nature in my homegirl." Love it! It spoke the truth and I had to have it. The hat rocks, I rock, Mother!
Peace out on this peaceful day.
Holly Golightly
Holly Golightly, in Breakfast at Tiffany's, is one of my all-time favorite characters. Her innocent seductiveness and tragic confidence amaze me. Some of the best lines are spoken from this "happy to be misunderstood" party girl's mouth:
"Oh, golly gee damn!"
"I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?.....I guess it's pretty lucky neither of us is rich, huh?"
"Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am?"
"Oh, golly gee damn!"
"I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?.....I guess it's pretty lucky neither of us is rich, huh?"
"Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am?"
"I'm always top banana in the shock department!"
"I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead."
"Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot."
"If I had her money, I'd be richer than she is."
stained-glass windows
" sad truth in life..."
There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Like she said: sad, but true. Why is this?
We take for granted those people that are in our lives daily. When I see an acquaintance I have not seen in a while, I am quick to embrace them. But my dearest friend that I see on an hourly basis, I can not say we hug regularly at all. When really, those are the people whom you should give your most to.
Hug your best friend today damn it! Because when you need it the most, they will be the ones there for you with open arms! Just don't wait until you are truly down to realize it. I am going to be far more conscious of this.
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Like she said: sad, but true. Why is this?
We take for granted those people that are in our lives daily. When I see an acquaintance I have not seen in a while, I am quick to embrace them. But my dearest friend that I see on an hourly basis, I can not say we hug regularly at all. When really, those are the people whom you should give your most to.
Hug your best friend today damn it! Because when you need it the most, they will be the ones there for you with open arms! Just don't wait until you are truly down to realize it. I am going to be far more conscious of this.
I Will.......But
I won't be ignored
I won't be bored
I won't be your dirty secret
I won't be your cure-all pill
And I won't run to fetch the water
Just to tumble down the hill
I won't be your Friday paycheck
I won't be the prize you flaunt
And I won't be your Martha Stewart, baby
Or your all night restaurant
But I will, I will, I will be your everything
If you make me feel like a woman should
I will, I will, I will be the whole shebang
You know I will...but
I won't be your crutch to lean on
I won't wear stiletto heels
I won't walk a mile in your shoes
Just so I know how it feels
I won't be your obligation
I won't be your Barbie doll
I won't be the portrait of perfection
To adorn your wall
Hey - you know I will...but
I wont be your lifetime girlfriend
I won't be just one of the guys
I won't be your mama's favorite
I refuse to be the last in line
I won't be bored
I won't be your dirty secret
I won't be your cure-all pill
And I won't run to fetch the water
Just to tumble down the hill
I won't be your Friday paycheck
I won't be the prize you flaunt
And I won't be your Martha Stewart, baby
Or your all night restaurant
But I will, I will, I will be your everything
If you make me feel like a woman should
I will, I will, I will be the whole shebang
You know I will...but
I won't be your crutch to lean on
I won't wear stiletto heels
I won't walk a mile in your shoes
Just so I know how it feels
I won't be your obligation
I won't be your Barbie doll
I won't be the portrait of perfection
To adorn your wall
Hey - you know I will...but
I wont be your lifetime girlfriend
I won't be just one of the guys
I won't be your mama's favorite
I refuse to be the last in line
Happiness is...
Happiness is... apparently when my nose crinkles.
One of my closest friends and confidants recently pointed out that she can quickly and obviously spot when I want to shoot fire through someone with my eyes, but more importantly when I am really, honestly laughing, in an unforced, uncontralable state of pure delight. Apparently when I get to this blissful stage my nose does this ridiculous crinckle thing? Not being able to watch myself laugh all of the time as she sees me, I do not quite grasp the crinckling of the nose as my give away but she says it is a great trait.
This past weekend was full of laughter for us and I was caught on camera during some joyous moments, laughing histerically. One of those pictures is now gracing my glorious myspace page- representing me at my best- and I have to say I do like the way I look when I laugh, crinkled nose and all!
One of my closest friends and confidants recently pointed out that she can quickly and obviously spot when I want to shoot fire through someone with my eyes, but more importantly when I am really, honestly laughing, in an unforced, uncontralable state of pure delight. Apparently when I get to this blissful stage my nose does this ridiculous crinckle thing? Not being able to watch myself laugh all of the time as she sees me, I do not quite grasp the crinckling of the nose as my give away but she says it is a great trait.
This past weekend was full of laughter for us and I was caught on camera during some joyous moments, laughing histerically. One of those pictures is now gracing my glorious myspace page- representing me at my best- and I have to say I do like the way I look when I laugh, crinkled nose and all!
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