Some of the subjects were rather humorous (especially after wine), some were a little insightful/eye opening, some just plain truth, and some made me despise the gender as a whole.
There was one conversation on the show that I have not been able to stop thinking about since though. An expert stated that: "Men see women walking down the street and immediately categorize them in only two categories really- would sleep with or wouldn't sleep with."

(Rorie steps on her super tall soap box)
(Rorie hops off of her soapbox)
Just my thoughts.... feeling like a little femi-nazi today. But, seriously guys..... really?
I would like to report that my friend and I have spoken with two males about this situation today:
(First male's response)
I'd sleep with both of you. Gorgeous ladies.
(Second male's response)
Yea it happens.....but women do the same thing.....everyone checks everyone out....that's what it is all about.....and men are dogs.
June 25, 2008 at 1:09 PM
Yes men are dogs (woof). As for forfeiting getting laid, im sure you understand that’s a touchy subject. Just something to roll around in your think box, its not always would [I] sleep with would [I] not sleep with, sometimes it’s would she sleep with me or wouldn’t she. Still dog, but give your gender some credit. Women are sensual sexy, they smell good have perfect hair, can think a man into an emotional corner he would rather kill himself then be forced into. A strong woman can make even the toughest man feel like a child. Think about this, how man love songs have been written sung and published by men TO women. How many poems plays and bar fights have come into existence for a woman. At the risk of sounding entirely soft women really do hold great power over men. Its been proven women have superior cognitive abilities, wile a man is for the most part one track at best two mostly the space between a mans ears would be better served as time share property being that he isn’t always there. The simple fact, yes we are dogs, we don’t always have the best hygiene, we don’t always say thoughtful things, we are not always nice, but when we are we do it for a woman. I can’t remember ever getting up shaving putting on deodorant dressing nice and acting civil for my drinking buddy. The only reason a man gets his ass out of bed at 6:00 am to go do a miserable job is to have money for a woman, not that women cant make their own god knows most of the women I know make more than I do. Lets be honest, if a man asks a woman out and then expects her to pay he now is lower than a dog. To make it even worse a friend of mine pointed out the other day that in this day and age it is increasingly harder for a man to have the same essenc as his father’s generation. The more women grow to realize how much power they hold men are struggling to redefine what it is to be a man. As aforementioned men are half conscious and being that I am one myself find it hard to discern what we need to be, strong and thoughtful, courageous emotionally stabile, companionate protective yet reserved, stern disciplinarians with our children and their best friend, understanding hard working energetic fun spontaneous and structured. Cut us some slack most of us really try, if we fall short give us some encouraging words, help us up, please try not to make us feel like we are so undeserving, some of us will begin to believe it.
June 25, 2008 at 5:10 PM
Ya know, I mainly just read and just creep around and dont say much but dang thats copied and pasted allllllllll day long bus stop. The length of your rant kinda caught my eye and dang girl/boy if you want to comment with something so long, post it in your blog and try to get credit for it. Rorie I agree with you, I asked my guy friends and they said the same, girls do it and it just happens.
June 25, 2008 at 11:30 PM
Not sure where that was copied and pasted from, perhaps my ideas aren't entirely original. I can accept that. As for girl/boy, from the context (if you actually took the time to read) my gender should be obvious.
Main Entry: 2rant
Function: noun
Date: 1649
1 a: a bombastic extravagant speech b: bombastic extravagant language
2dialect British : a rousing good time
There is some copy and paste for ya! I believe as per the title of this section "a bombastic speech," has no constraint on length.
Ah, why didn't I put it on my own blog? What better place to be heard then from Rorie's own soapbox.
One more thing (and you really should have ripped me on this one) why would anyone "copy and paste" such bad grammar?
June 26, 2008 at 9:37 AM
Kind in ironic that this rant is directly across from the link you titled "Future MILF Thoughts."
June 26, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Shame on me for that blip of hipocracy Doghouse! Funny though.
June 26, 2008 at 10:42 AM
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