You may or may not be surprised (depending on how well you know me) to hear that I can often be anal about some things.... well, I honestly used to be worse. I am a planner, schedule things, map them out, make endless lists. I even presented my wedding party with a detailed itinerary for the whole weekend of the wedding, mapping everything out to the minute. My dear friend Annie, is the same way. And we had been that way since we met, which is one of the things that kept us so close. We understood! In fact, now that I think about it, she may have been the only bridesmaid to really appreciate the wedding schedule. Anyhow, this past week was
our vacation, our girls only beach trip, and we had no plans in place, did not check the weather forecast, no particular place in mind to stay, and we glanced at the directions but did not even print them out...... This took some real letting go on our part, we forced our spontaneity! But, it was for our own good!
Yes, we got lost- went about an hour out of the way, laughed about it, turned around, and kept car dancing........!
Yes, it rained on us......
But, we eventually got there...

We found somewhere to stay, and what a great view....!

And put our feet in the white soft sand.......

i love the beach. will be heading down that way in august!
June 18, 2008 at 7:54 PM
that's awesome! road trips ROCK!
June 19, 2008 at 8:33 AM
Actually, I have been on a short road trip with you BB, and it pretty much rocked too.... minus the whole sitting next to barfing Rofarto!
June 19, 2008 at 9:20 AM
Rach, take me back wit u!!!!!
June 19, 2008 at 9:21 AM
Glad you had fun! She was sweet!
June 19, 2008 at 2:11 PM