One of my nearest and dearest friends and I are making a habit of feeding the ducks our stale bread and rolls. I have always enjoyed doing this because it makes me feel a lot better about not actually eating my food, because it is going to a good cause it is not really being completely wasted!
Well, these particular dern ducks have gotten pretty bold and greedy if I do say so myself! They are neighborhood ducks and obviously doted on by numerous other residents. No matter how many crumbs get thrown their way, they want more.... Anyone familiar with the book, "If you give a mouse a cookie....?" Well, we came armed with a whole loaf of bread and a whole bag of hot dog buns (Don't judge me for not being home and eating out too much lately!!).
What happened to the days when you had to coax these fine feathered friends to you and bribe them with chunks of bread? These things crossed the street and fled to my car the moment they spotted us! So we herded them back to the grassy noll by the lake and began dishing out the goods. I was surrounded by them, as my friend was more on the outer edge of the flock. Concentrating on the cute littler ducks that kept getting shafted, I was throwing some pieces specificly towards them, not noticing the impatient geese stalking me. Maybe this geese was an only child, as am I, because it was portraying a "Pay attention to me!" attitude. This need for instant attention was communicated when the damn thing bit my thigh! "No more carbs for you, Missy!"
Now, I would like to conclude with a small tip for any other germ-a-phobes: Do not wear shorts and flip flops around out going ducks and geese! They will step on your feet with their infested little webs (especially if your bread feeding partner is amused by your mortified reaction to this, continually throwing bread at your feet) and they will rub themselves against you as if they were cats. It was disgusting and you'd better believe I did take a germ-X bath the moment I got back to my vehicle.

Try walking barefoot. You'll love the squish of duck poop between your toes.
September 19, 2008 at 8:45 AM
Ewwwwwwwww DH! Your wife needs to keep you under strict supervision!
September 19, 2008 at 10:20 AM