
"Never allow someone to be your Priority,
While allowing yourself to be their Option."

This is what I am living by now. I used to vow to never be a push-over, but that is because I slid myself over before the other person had the opportunity to do so.... this was my fault. It was my issue that I was not standing up for myself and my worth.
But, this was only my issue until I made it known. Once I brought this to light it was in the other person's court to either acknowledge and act upon or ignore it. Unfortunately some people choose to ignore the fact that they minimize you.

"Never allow someone to be your Priority,
While allowing yourself to be their Option."

This is where I grew enough in myself to walk away. I left a marriage and a few long time friendships for this very reason. Some spectators may view this as selfish, but in actuality it is quite healthy. I have gained an amount of emotional energy from not pouring myself into anyone that does not replenish me. Granted, I have fewer people to turn to- but if that handful of people will always be there, why spread yourself thin over those that won't....

2 Rants:

  1. Anonymous said...

    You, my dear, are smarter than I gave you credit for.

    January 26, 2009 at 2:31 PM  

  2. Priscilla said...

    Thanks... I think =)

    ..I was super smart before, my brains are just often over-shadowed by my keen sense of style!

    January 26, 2009 at 3:47 PM  

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