"I know a Girl"

Isn't is a shame when you feel the need to mask or minimize your happiness because you just don't feel like those people closest to you will react with the same enthusiasm. There are some lyrics from Chicago, The Musical that make me laugh because I honestly think this is how some people in my life portray me at times:

I know a girl -A girl who lands on top
You could put her face into a pail of slop
And she'd come up smelling like a rose
How she does it, heaven knows.

I know a girl -A girl with so much luck
She could get run over by a ten-ton truck
Then brush herself off and walk away
How she does it, couldn't say

I, On the other hand
Put my face in a pail of slop
And I would smell like a pail of slop
I, On the other hand
Get run over by a truck
And I am deader that a duck

I know which friend to call when great things happen for me. She will be just as excited for me as if it were her own success. This is a great quality, because really at that level of friendship she finds happiness from my happiness. Even when she is having an "I hate everyone" or "need more wine" kind of day, I always feel uplifted after I share with her and appreciate her support.

On the other hand, there are those people you can feel equally as close to on certain levels, but you know your happiness may just make them sick because they can not look past their own hurdles long enough to offer congratulations. These are the people I have learned to just casually mention positive events to in conversation..... not ever the first person I call because I am worried I will come off as bragging and my level of positivity may be squashed.

After time, you feel much closer to the people who are initially happy for you because they wind up knowing so much more about you. The other people really miss out on what is going on in your life because they only get the Cliff's Notes version.

Anyway, exciting things are happening for me and those supportive people already know, and those others might realize it when they read it here on their own time...

8 Rants:

  1. From the Doghouse said...

    I know people like that too.

    November 20, 2008 at 1:11 PM  

  2. black betty said...

    ditto...hear, hear!!!! good luck with all your recent events. sending even more happiness bizkits your way, honey. ;)

    p.s. - don't worry so much about what people think. if they aren't happy for you, they may not be a TRUE friend. tell 'em to kiss your cute little ass.

    i'm jus sayin'... xoxo

    November 20, 2008 at 2:13 PM  

  3. Priscilla said...

    I do have a cute little ass, don't I? lol - Thanks BB!

    Doghouse, hate that, but nice to know I am not alone in feeling it...

    November 20, 2008 at 2:53 PM  

  4. Truvie said...

    I know what you mean...
    I edit out those people- one time someone told me that they didn't know the "real me" because I didn't open up enough about my problems. I was like, sorry, but I don't really have any to speak of and even if I did I don't feel the need to call my friends and gripe endlessly about them. So, yes, I guess they didn't know the "real me" because I try hard to stay positive!
    Unhappy people always resent those who have their shit together... and that's one burden you shouldn't carry!
    You rock- tell those biotches to call the whaaaaa-bulance! :)
    It was so great to see you at the show, even if I was a teensy bit festive by the time y'all got there! Drinks soon, bunny!?!

    November 20, 2008 at 10:24 PM  

  5. Priscilla said...

    Truvie, "festive" this made me laugh! Drinks soon!

    November 21, 2008 at 10:09 AM  

  6. Rachel said...

    i am happy for you...mean it.

    November 21, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

  7. Rachel said...

    i am happy for you...mean it.

    November 21, 2008 at 11:28 AM  

  8. Priscilla said...

    Thanks lovey =)

    November 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM  

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