Ranting: Money don't mean much....

There are two key things people need to keep in mind about the supposed "wealthy:"

1. Having money does not make you immune to being trashy.....

2. Having money does not make you any smarter.....

I live a a nicer newer neighborhood. And, for some silly little reason I thought that would mean a different class of people... WRONG!

A particular neighbor of mine (whom had no interest in meeting myself -may I add- but was super excited to introduce herself to my cop) is trying to sell her home for $270,000. It is a gorgeous house. Apparently she owns her own interior design business. Great! This makes me think it will be staged quite well to be pleasing to buyers even in this economic slump. BUT, and this is where #1 and 2 come in, it is February 10th and she still has a huge Christmas tree at her door with lighted presents and candy canes lining her walkway. Baby, it's time to put the shiz up because buyers are not going to jump on the Christmas in July bandwagon when looking for their next home..... Also, the fact that your water got cut off and you have left the pink slip notice from the water department on your front door for a little too long makes you look like dirty dipstick....I'm not a realtor or the world's biggest genius, but I have a neat little tool called common sense.... stop being a skank for five minutes & let me know if you need more advice to handle your business! ...anything I can do to help you OUT!

::::Rant Completed::::

1 Rants:

  1. Priscilla said...

    Just an update: 2 days after I posted this, the lights and decor came down!!

    Maybe just putting this out there in the universe did some goood- I would have done it weeks earlier!

    February 20, 2009 at 8:53 AM  

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