Which floor please?

....the other morning I stood on the elevator for 5 minutes before I realized I never pressed a floor.

My choices are first floor or second floor... I was on the first floor, so second floor was the obvious answer.

But, me being, well- me, failed to press any button and stood there plateaued searching for my office keys in my purse until the door opened and I was still on the first floor.

"Hmmmmmm." I know I looked dazed and confused.

The lady there, knowing there were only two floors, looked rather confused herself because I was not getting off the elevator, just staring at her....

.....it is a wonder I am allowed to be unsupervised by any other human being in the morning, let alone drive myself to work....

2 Rants:

  1. From the Doghouse said...

    Did you start stripping in the elevator, or do you just save that for when you're driving?

    February 5, 2009 at 10:25 AM  

  2. Priscilla said...

    Just the jacket comes off in the elevator....

    ...although I do my fair share of dancing when alone on there =)

    February 5, 2009 at 1:11 PM  

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