Happiness is...

Happiness is... apparently when my nose crinkles.

One of my closest friends and confidants recently pointed out that she can quickly and obviously spot when I want to shoot fire through someone with my eyes, but more importantly when I am really, honestly laughing, in an unforced, uncontralable state of pure delight. Apparently when I get to this blissful stage my nose does this ridiculous crinckle thing? Not being able to watch myself laugh all of the time as she sees me, I do not quite grasp the crinckling of the nose as my give away but she says it is a great trait.

This past weekend was full of laughter for us and I was caught on camera during some joyous moments, laughing histerically. One of those pictures is now gracing my glorious myspace page- representing me at my best- and I have to say I do like the way I look when I laugh, crinkled nose and all!

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