Bright Lights

Though the firefighter and I are slackers, with just a wreath on our front door, BUT I greatly appreciate the bright lights of the season in outlandishly decorated yards. My eyes twinkle with these bright lights.

I got the opportunity this weekend spend time with several special people and watch their eyes twinkle. My church hosts small praise services at a nursing home and this Sunday was our Christmas party for the residents at this home. I often dread going. Shameful I know. My mother used to work in a nursing home and when I was small, I loved going. There was one lady there that looked just like Barbara Bush- and you better believe that at the age of six that is what I called her each time! But, I have lost that youthful innocence and permanent smile I once had and now find it all rather depressing. I never remember how great it feels after you have gone and made people smile.

We had several of our members there for the celebration and their younger kids in tow. Oh, how the elderly love them some “youngens”! It was rather pleasant. We sang carols together (avoided the classic “Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer”), ate party foods (all diabetic approved snacks- of course), and generally entertained these souls for two hours.

Selfishly, I took an activity that I knew would entertain myself if the festivities started going downhill. Ornament decorating! What fun!?!? There was a point where the food had pretty much been consumed and people were lingering, so I started making my rounds. “Merry Christmas! What’s your name?” I took a plain ornament, a bronze paint pen and wrote their name and “2007.” This was a pure joy to them. Honestly, I think me just asking their name was a thrill. But I, in their eyes was this “talent” with my creativity and fabulous writing abilities….how complimentary and easily fascinated they were.

::::::Warm fuzzies::::: I concluded that I needed that interaction as much as the residents at the home did. Be watchful: You never know when you are going to be someone’s “bright light!”

2 Rants:

  1. Distant Timbers Echo said...

    Totally agree, and I try to find that bright spot in most people if I can. Usually makes this whole world lift just a little!

    I found you through Supermom!

    December 18, 2007 at 12:28 PM  

  2. From the Doghouse said...

    Thanks for the reminder; I think we all need it sometimes.

    December 18, 2007 at 12:36 PM  

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