The car is no place for religious advertising....

I love me some Jesus, yet have my faults as all other Christians, and everyone else for that matter.....I am here to openly admit I have a tid tad tiny little speck of road rage. Aware of this, I am not about to promote my Christianity via my car, because I promise you- I am going to cut you off if you will not let me over and I will stare your crazy self down if you are acting as if you got your drivers licence from a cracker jack box- and I do not want you to hold my Lord accountable for my automobile actions.

The little Christan fish on the back of peoples cars, look for them.....those are the first people to screw you over on the interstate -and I think it is such bad advertising.

If you are a christian and you are proud of it- more power to you! But if you can not act in this capacity, "be christian in the car", then rethink the little fish, the crown of thorns decal, and the "My father is a Jewish Carpenter" bumper sticker, because if you are a selfish driver than you are not bringing much light to the world. I am proud of my faith- but I am not about to put the weight of the religion on my driving skills and have people judge it based on my impatience to yield to someone going slower than molasses.

Is this road rage thing something I am working on? Yes. I will not flip you off, even if you truly have gone above and beyond to deserve it, I have grown from that. I do pray for patience on a daily basis. But my patience is also tested on a daily basis.....usually between I-20 and 55. I stumble with my thoughts and I stumble with my words. I do not want to make you stumble even further with your thoughts because I pissed you off AND I have that little fish on my car.

WWJD? Probably Walk!

7 Rants:

  1. Dr. Wifey said...

    Yeah, I feel the same way. On a slightly different subject, I hate those forwarded emails that say, "IF you love Jesus, forward this to 100 people." Does that mean I don't love Jesus if I don't forward it? They always make me feel so guilty, but I hate to forward stuff!

    October 13, 2007 at 11:58 AM  

  2. AM said...

    ahhh....I'm with you an email is a humble proof of my love of Jesus. Neither is a bumper sticker....just one more way to show hypocrisy.

    October 13, 2007 at 7:20 PM  

  3. Rachel said...

    be careful what you pray just might get it!

    October 13, 2007 at 8:29 PM  

  4. Anonymous said...

    Carter...I hate those e-mails too!! They even send them on myspace bulletins..I love Jesus but I ain't sending out that crap...Bumper stickers don't bother me, neither do the fish..we're all hypocrites to a certain degree some more so than others... :) But one time This woman got mad at me cause I was not going fast enough and she was on my when she passed me she shot me a bird...well she was one of those fish ladies..I just laughed but really that isn't a good way to show Jesus...haha

    October 14, 2007 at 7:04 AM  

  5. BB said...

    LOL! I saw one just this morning...and the a**hole cut ME off! AARRGGG!!!!! :)

    October 15, 2007 at 7:58 AM  

  6. Priscilla said...

    Carter- too true, nowhere does it say "Thou shalt forward electronic mail to thy neighbors!" "Jesus loves me this I know, for the BIBLE tells me so." Not the "spam" tells me so.

    Anon- I really do appreciate Christian advertising, really I do, just think there is a better time and place...still, those peps make me laugh.

    BB- uh huh! "Holier than thou" on the road, were they!?

    October 15, 2007 at 10:45 AM  

  7. From the Doghouse said...

    I'm glad someone else understands why I don't have that on my car either.

    That and the fact that I don't like lowering Him to the level of my favorite school or a political candidate.

    October 16, 2007 at 8:56 AM  

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